.jpg)
1.
"Sometimes,
the
weight
of
the
crown
can
be
too
much
to
bear.
"
【#royaltywoes】
2.
"Fame
and
fortune
mean
nothing
when
your
heart
is
shattered.
"
【#lonelyprince】
3.
"Being
a
prince
means
sacrificing
your
own
happiness
for
the
good
of
your
people.
"
【#royalduty】
4.
"Love
can
be
a
double-edged
sword,
especially
for
someone
in
my
position.
"
【#cursedbyroyalty】
5.
"The
more
people
love
me,
the
more
feel
alone.
"
【#isolatedprince】
6.
"There's
a
difference
between
being
admired
and
being
truly
loved.
"
【#yearningforreallove】
7.
"It's
hard
to
trust
anyone
when
you
don't
know
if
they
care
about
you
or
your
status.
"
【#princeintrustissues】
8.
"The
weight
of
responsibility
can
crush
even
the
strongest
of
hearts.
"
【#burdenofroyalty】
9.
"I
envy
those
who
live
a
simple
life,
free
from
the
constraints
of
status
and
expectation.
"
【#roaylregrets】
10.
"It's
hard
to
find
someone
who
loves
you
for
who
you
are,
not
what
you
represent.
"
【#royalstruggle】
11.
"I
may
wear
a
crown,
but
that
doesn't
make
me
invincible
to
pain.
"
【#vulnerableprince】
12.
"The
pressure
to
be
perfect
is
suffocating.
"
【#imperfectroyalty】
13.
"I
often
wonder
if
anyone
would
still
love
me
if
was
just
a
regular
man.
"
【#royalidentitycrisis】
14.
"In
a
world
where
everyone
wants
something
from
you,
it's
hard
to
give
anything
of
yourself.
"
【#royalobligation】
15.
"Love
shouldn't
be
a
luxury
reserved
for
the
wealthy
and
privileged.
"
【#lovewoes】
16.
"I
would
give
up
everything
to
be
truly
happy.
"
【#princeofdesire】
17.
"You
can't
choose
who
you
fall
in
love
with,
but
you
can
choose
how
you
handle
it.
"
【#royalheartache】
18.
"Status
can't
buy
happiness,
no
matter
how
much
some
people
try
to
convince
themselves
otherwise.
"
【#truthaboutroyalty】
19.
"Being
a
prince
doesn't
mean
I'm
immune
to
heartbreak.
"
【#royallybroken】
20.
"Sometimes,
the
only
thing
that
keeps
me
going
is
the
hope
that
things
will
get
better.
"
【#princeofhope】