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1.
爱情是一场若即若离的追逐游戏,让人欲罢不能。
【Love
is
a
chase
game
of
coming
and
going,
making
people
irresistible.
】
2.
爱情是一座难攀登的高山,需要双方共同努力才能到达巅峰。
【Love
is
a
difficult
mountain
to
climb,
requiring
both
sides
to
work
together
to
reach
the
summit.
】
3.
爱情是一场船行,需要两个人一起划桨才能穿过恶劣的风浪。
【Love
is
a
boat
ride,
requiring
two
people
to
paddle
together
to
navigate
through
rough
waters.
】
4.
爱情是一场激烈的拔河比赛,需要双方一起用尽力气才能获胜。
【Love
is
an
intense
tug-of-war,
requiring
both
parties
to
use
all
their
strength
to
win.
】
5.
爱情是一条充满荆棘的道路,需要勇气和耐心才能走到终点。
【Love
is
a
path
full
of
thorns,
requiring
courage
and
patience
to
reach
the
end.
】
6.
爱情是一次艰苦的探险之旅,需要双方冒险才能找到真正的宝藏。
【Love
is
a
difficult
adventure,
requiring
both
parties
to
take
risks
to
find
the
real
treasure.
】
7.
爱情是一座无底深渊,需要双方互相支撑着才能不沉没。
【Love
is
an
abyss
without
a
bottom,
requiring
both
parties
to
support
each
other
to
prevent
sinking.
】
8.
爱情是一场逃脱游戏,需要双方相互依赖才能成功逃离险境。
【Love
is
an
escape
game,
requiring
both
parties
to
rely
on
each
other
to
successfully
escape
danger.
】
9.
爱情是一道烤制至极的菜肴,需要经过重重考验才能品味到它的美味。
【Love
is
a
thoroughly
cooked
dish,
requiring
many
tests
to
taste
its
deliciousness.
】
10.
爱情是一颗长满荆棘的玫瑰,让人既憧憬又害怕。
【Love
is
a
rose
full
of
thorns,
making
people
both
yearn
for
and
fear.
】
11.
爱情是一片迷雾,两人需要手牵手才能走出去。
【Love
is
a
mist,
and
two
people
need
to
hold
hands
to
walk
through
it.
】
12.
爱情是一场耳鸣,让人心烦意乱。
【Love
is
a
ringing
in
the
ears,
making
people
annoyed
and
restless.
】
13.
爱情是一次极限考验,需要双方共同承受磨难才能互相成长。
【Love
is
a
ultimate
test,
requiring
both
parties
to
bear
hardships
together
to
grow.
】
14.
爱情是一场无休止的迷宫之旅,没有正确答案,只有相互理解。
【Love
is
an
endless
maze
journey,
without
a
right
answer,
only
mutual
understanding.
】
15.
爱情是双方的心灵之旅,需要双方照亮对方的心扉。
【Love
is
a
journey
of
two
minds,
requiring
both
parties
to
light
up
each
other's
hearts.
】
16.
爱情是一群疲惫旅人的聚集地,他们在一起分担痛苦,分享快乐。
【Love
is
a
gathering
place
for
a
group
of
weary
travelers
who
share
pain
and
happiness
together.
】
17.
爱情是沉重的担子,需要双方共同扛起来。
【Love
is
a
heavy
burden
that
requires
both
parties
to
shoulder
together.
】
18.
爱情是一道必须品尝的苦艾酒,需要双方共同品味。
【Love
is
a
must-taste
absinthe,
requiring
both
parties
to
taste
together.
】
19.
爱情是一面反光镜,让人透过它看到真实的自己。
【Love
is
a
rearview
mirror,
enabling
people
to
see
their
true
selves
through
it.
】
20.
爱情是一种长期战争,需要双方互相宽容,互相理解,才能和平共处。
【Love
is
a
long-term
war,
requiring
both
parties
to
tolerate
and
understand
each
other
to
live
in
peace.
】