1.
"School
life
is
a
roller
coaster
ride
full
of
ups
and
downs,
but
it’s
worth
the
journey.
"
【引领人生之路】
2.
"Studying
hard
may
not
always
guarantee
you
success,
but
it
sure
improves
your
chances.
"
【赢在努力】
3.
"Friendships
forged
in
school
last
a
lifetime.
"
【迎接友情如春花】
4.
"School
life
teaches
us
some
of
the
most
valuable
lessons
outside
the
classroom.
"
【发现生活中的真谛】
5.
"Teachers
are
not
just
educators;
they
are
mentors,
friends,
and
role
models.
"
【师者,传道、授业、解惑也】
6.
"Participating
in
sports
and
extracurricular
activities
helps
in
building
a
well-rounded
personality.
"
【勇攀高峰】
7.
"Time
flies
when
you’re
having
fun
in
school;
treasure
every
moment.
"
【逐日而耕,循序渐进,实现梦想】
8.
"The
memories
made
in
school
shape
us
into
the
person
we
become.
"
【情系校园】
9.
"Group
projects
can
be
annoying,
but
they
teach
you
essential
teamwork
skills.
"
【相知相伴偕前行】
10.
"Respect
your
classmates’
differences
and
embrace
diversity.
"
【超越差异,合力前行】
11.
"Academic
excellence
is
important,
but
so
is
emotional
intelligence.
"
【备战未来,内外兼修】
12.
"The
school
library
is
a
treasure
trove
of
knowledge
waiting
to
be
explored.
"
【探究知识的乐园】
13.
"Never
underestimate
the
power
of
a
good
night’s
sleep
during
exam
season.
"
【考试疾风时,清醒扫穴气】
14.
"Taking
breaks
from
studying
is
necessary
for
mental
well-being.
"
【用心学习,留出放松时】
15.
"Befriending
your
teachers
can
lead
to
some
great
opportunities.
"
【导师树立发展信仰】
16.
"Stress
is
part
of
school
life,
but
learn
to
manage
it
and
don’t
let
it
consume
you.
"
【掌控逆境,驰骋成功路】
17.
"Being
punctual
shows
respect
for
your
teachers
and
classmates.
"
【守时习惯,交友之道】
18.
"Get
involved
in
school
events;
they
can
be
fun
and
rewarding.
"
【走上人生成功之路】
19.
"Set
achievable
goals
for
yourself
and
work
towards
them
consistently.
"
【明确目标,点滴坚持,成功必然】
20.
"Celebrate
your
successes,
big
or
small
and
don’t
be
afraid
to
learn
from
your
failures.
"
【奋发向前,乐享成功】