1.
Whenever
feel
embarrassed,
my
cheeks
turn
bright
red
like
a
tomato.
】
2.
Embarrassment
often
results
from
stepping
out
of
one's
comfort
zone.
】
3.
Blushing
is
the
body's
natural
response
to
feeling
self-conscious.
】
4.
It's
okay
to
make
mistakes
and
stumble
sometimes,
as
long
as
we
learn
from
them.
】
5.
The
fear
of
embarrassment
can
hold
us
back
from
taking
risks
and
pursuing
our
passions.
】
6.
little
embarrassment
can
actually
be
endearing
and
help
us
connect
with
others.
】
7.
Trying
new
things
and
putting
ourselves
out
there
is
a
courageous
act.
】
8.
Embrace
your
flaws
and
quirks,
they
make
you
unique
and
special.
】
9.
There's
nothing
wrong
with
being
vulnerable
and
showing
your
emotions.
It's
a
sign
of
strength.
】
10.
Laughter
is
often
the
best
medicine
in
awkward
or
embarrassing
situations.
】
11.
Surround
yourself
with
people
who
lift
you
up
and
support
you,
not
bring
you
down.
】
12.
Don't
take
yourself
too
seriously,
life
is
too
short
to
stress
over
minor
mishaps.
】
13.
Pushing
through
the
discomfort
of
embarrassment
can
lead
to
immense
personal
growth.
】
14.
It's
better
to
have
tried
and
failed
than
to
never
have
tried
at
all.
】
15.
Perfection
is
an
illusion,
embrace
your
imperfections
and
embrace
life.
】
16.
We
shouldn't
judge
or
shame
others
for
their
mistakes
or
shortcomings.
We
all
have
them.
】
17.
Give
yourself
permission
to
be
imperfect
and
vulnerable,
it's
liberating.
】
18.
The
more
we
practice
self-compassion
and
self-love,
the
less
we
worry
about
what
others
think
of
us.
】
19.
Don't
compare
yourself
to
others,
focus
on
your
own
journey
and
progress.
】
20.
And
always
remember,
blushing
is
just
a
physical
reaction.
It
doesn't
define
who
we
are
as
people.
】