Don't let others become your habits and manipulate your life.
Death is not the loss of life, but out of time.
Don't take other people's maps and find your own way.
When you are in a favorable situation, you are indifferent. Be calm in adversity.
Time may not prove many things, but it will let you see through many things.
Tears are the words of our hearts when we have been hurt beyond words.
A great man is not in control of others, but of himself.
Unhappy childhood is an accident, growing up unhappy is the normal.
Sometimes regret itself is a price that cannot be paid.
Niulang and Zhinv are separated by a galaxy, but we are separated by trust.
Wait for a person who doesn't love oneself to have how sad, oneself all don't know.
Happiness is a kind of indomitable, unwilling to indomitable can not be happy.
Look up to people above them, and look up to yourself below them.
Many failures are not limited in ability, but because they are not persistent.
People who love each other often quarrel with each other, but unrelated people can tolerate each other.
Those who are imprudent of the truth in small matters are also untrustworthy in big ones.
There is only one thing worse than being talked about in the world, that is, not being talked about.
Habits will develop and can be changed.
Good times are always short. I want to be in them and stay.
People are most upset that without youth, they still have acne.
Some unspeakable love, whether also spend in the injury.
Not as charismatic as you, but I'll try.
If you cry because you miss the sun, you will miss the stars.
We are all angels with one wing. Only by embracing can we fly.
Some people, once speechless, at last, speechless.
Is to love you want you around, peace of mind sweet happiness let me feel alive so beautiful.
There is always a person in the world who is your thoughts and your warmth.
People are best when they first meet. They are warm, hypocritical, fresh and romantic.
Today's injury will only make you stronger tomorrow.
Every day for you a love, a good night, is my last silent can do for you.
God didn't give you what you wanted, not because you didn't deserve it, but because you deserve better.
Now, I think as long as I want to cry, I can find a caller, that is happiness.
People are always happy when they are close to happiness, but they worry about gain and loss when they are happy.
When the function of the wound is only for recollection, it's really gone.
If a lot of people know each other at another time, they will have different endings.
When there is a choice, choose the best. When you have no choice, do your best.
Life gains and losses coexist, you have a breeze, you have to return the moon.
I smile with a relaxed tone and say, you're OK.
Things are not to be conquered, things are not to be nationwide, people are not to be prosperous, tolerance is to treat people, and indifference is to deal with the world.
Life should not be filled with discontent and hatred. We are all loved people.
All time is used for hesitation, only a moment for growth.
People can't be too greedy, otherwise they can't catch anything.
One day, you will say something sad with a smile.
It will get better, even if not today, one day it will.
I was going to wander in the Jianghu, but when I see you, I think I can stop first.
There is no scar that won't fade, no wound that won't be good, no despair that won't stop.
Too much consideration of other people's feelings, doomed to their own bad.
It's not small, it's time to mature; it's not early, it's time to struggle.
Instead of waiting for someone to love you, learn to love yourself more.
Elegance is to find the beauty of existence and feel the beauty that has been found.
The saddest thing about people is that they have free thoughts but no courage to break through their fetters.
Life is like angry birds. When you fail, there are always a few pigs laughing.
It's no use saying more. There are some things that only you know.
One day, the sky dropped ten thousand to knock me dizzy, wait for me to wake up money to others to pick up!
When you tell a secret to someone else, you have to be prepared to be made public one day.
Good love allows you to be yourself, but it makes you want to be a better person.
If the time is quiet and good, you should take care of your body and mind; if the time is dark, you should practice more.
I've heard a lot from childhood, but I still can't live a good life.
What matters in life is not where we stand, but where we are heading.
The method of reading is not to be refined by order.
Scholars do not necessarily have kno accumulated by the e people knoe self righteous ignorant people.
Reading is like eating, eating is long, and eating is long.
Vegetarian food is not cloudy, but God is not muddy when sitting alone.
A hundred times a book reads its meaning.
Read useful books, write useful articles, say useful words, and make useful people.
Books are the indispensable partners and mentors of young people.
Books are lighthouses that stand in the boundless sea of time.
While reading, please protect your book.
If it floents can I be the real me, the one that is in accordance es evil in the hands of man.
Keep in mind that the reason patible es famous, he has no friends,; money our hearts, and take amon interest. people are always willing to be happy, but people do not always see happiness clearly.
If a man can restrain himself for the sake of morality, he can never bear the contempt of his beloved.
Almost all girls believe in the implication of appearance and think that their hearts are as beautiful as their appearance.
people tend to endure the greatest pain, but can not enjoy excessive joy.
I don't believe in the husband-in-laparison bet a leisurely spectator to a real-life actor, these potential roots en don't love us, they es a screings and do not let them control themselves are the strong ones.
The pain of love that bleeds a beautiful soul is ale animals, move from their native land to another place, leaving the local soil and plish end to be dignified.
〖One〗、书籍的使命是帮助人们认识生活,而不是代替思想对生活的认识。科尔查克 The book's mission is to help people understand life, instead of thinking and understanding of life。
〖Two〗、读书对于智慧,也像体操对于身体一样。爱迪生 Reading for wisdom, like gymnastics to the body。
〖Three〗、世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章。曹雪芹 The hole are learning, human sophistication that article。
〖Four〗、不敢妄为些子事,只因曾读数行书。(元)陶宗义 These things could not endure, because once reading script。
〖Five〗、有教养的头脑的第一个标志就是善于提问。普列汉诺夫 The first sign of educated minds is good at asking questions。
〖Six〗、学问是光明,愚昧是黑暗。念书吧!契坷夫(俄) Learning is the light, ignorance is darkness。 To study!
〖Seven〗、努力向学,尉为国用。孙中山 Strive to learn, with Wei weiguo。
〖Eight〗、贫寒更须读书,富贵不忘稼穑。(清)王永彬 The poor should not forget how to read, and。
〖Nine〗、书是灵魂比较好的麻醉剂。钱伯斯 A good book is the best of the soul。
〖Ten〗、勉之期不止,多获由力耘。欧阳修 The mian period more than, from You Li yun。
1〖One〗、读书是易事,思索是难事,但两者缺一,便全无用处。富兰克林 Reading is easy, speculation is difficult, but they lack a, it was useless。
1〖Two〗、没有比读书更好的娱乐更持久的满足了。(英国)谚语 No better than reading entertainment more lasting meet。
1〖Three〗、不动笔墨不读书。徐特立 Do not move the text book。
1〖Four〗、好读书,不求甚解。每有会意,便欣然忘食。陶渊明 Good reading, read without thorough understanding。 Every knowing, they gladly forget to eat。
1〖Five〗、不学而求知,犹愿鱼而无网。葛洪 Do not learn the knowledge, and would like to fish without a net。
1〖Six〗、生也有涯而知也无涯。庄子 Life is limited while knowledge is limitless。
1〖Seven〗、不飞则已,一飞冲天;不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。司马迁 Don't fly then already, soar; but, set the Thames a great coup。
1〖Eight〗、愚昧从来没有给人带来幸福;幸福的根源在于知识。左拉 Ignorance never bring happiness; happiness is the source of knowledge。
1〖Nine〗、学者贵于行之,而不贵于知之。司马光 Scholars in your trip, and not to know you。
20、读书好处心先觉,立雪深时道已传。――袁枚 Reading good heart deep sleep, standing in the snow has passed。
2〖One〗、勤能补拙是良训,一分耕耘一分才。华罗庚 Is a good training, Yifengengyun one only。
2〖Two〗、读书和学习是在别人思想和知识的帮助下,建立起自己的思想和知识。普希金 Reading and learning is to help others thought and knowledge, set up their own ideas and knowledge。
2〖Three〗、和书籍生活在一起,永远不会叹气。罗曼?罗兰 And books together, never sigh。
2〖Four〗、外国语是人生斗争的一种武器。马克思 A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life。
2〖Five〗、书籍是前人的经验。拉布雷 The book is the experience of our predecessors。
2〖Six〗、读书之法无它,惟是笃志虚心,反复详玩,为有功耳。朱熹 Reading of the law without it, but was modestly Atsushi, repeated in detail to play, for the active ear。
2〖Seven〗、士欲宣其义,必先读其书。王符 Who want to declare it, must read the book。
2〖Eight〗、素食则气不浊;独宿则神不浊;默坐则心不浊;读书则口不浊。曾国藩 A vegetarian diet is not muddy gas; sleep alone is God not muddy the heart does not sit; turbidity; reading mouth turbid。
2〖Nine〗、读书是学习,摘抄是总结,写作是创造。吴晗 Reading is learning, excerpt is finishing, writing is created。
30、光明给我们经验,读书给我们知识。奥斯特洛夫斯基 Light gives us experience, reading gives us knowledge。
3〖One〗、别裁伪体亲风雅,转益多师是汝师。杜甫 Dear biecai pseudo body is elegant, on Ru pision。
3〖Two〗、夫所以读书学问,本欲开心明目,利于行耳。颜之推 So the husband reading knowledge, to happy eyesight, good ear。
3〖Three〗、如果把生活比喻为创作的意境,那么阅读就像阳光。池莉 If the life compared to the creation of artistic conception, so read like the sun。
3〖Four〗、创业者书读得不多没关系,就怕不在社会上读书。马云 Entrepreneurs have read little never mind, do not study in the society。
3〖Five〗、读书以过目成诵为能,最是不济事。郑板桥 By reading guomuchengsong to, most are not good。
3〖Six〗、艺术的大道上荆棘丛生,这也是好事,常人望而却步,只有意志坚强的人例外。雨果 Boulevard art thorns, this is good, ordinary people and step back, only the strong will of the people。
3〖Seven〗、我扑在书上,就像饥饿的人扑在面包上。高尔基 I put in the books, like a hungry man put on the bread。
3〖Eight〗、书是人类进步的阶梯。高尔基 The book is the ladder of human progress。
3〖Nine〗、学习要有三心:一信心,二决心,三恒心。陈景润 Learning to have three heart: a two confidence, determination, perseverance three。
40、韬略终须建新国,奋发还得读良书。郭沫若 Must build a new country strategy, and have read a good book。
4〖One〗、我所学到的任何有价值的知识都是由自学中得来的。达尔文 Any valuable knowledge I have learned is by self in the。
4〖Two〗、读书之法无他,惟是笃志虚心,反复详玩,为有功耳。朱熹 Reading of the law without him, but was modestly Atsushi, repeated in detail to play, for the active ear。
4〖Three〗、千教万教教人求真,千学万学学做真人。陶行之 Thousand million people seeking to teach teach, wanxuexue do real learning。
4〖Four〗、人生最美好的主旨和人类生活最幸福的结果,莫过于学习了。巴尔扎克 Life is the most beautiful and the theme of human life the most happy results, than learning。
4〖Five〗、要掌握书,莫被书掌握;要为生而读,莫为读而生。布尔沃 To master the book, the book is being read for students to master; to read, not born。
4〖Six〗、读书不知要领,劳而无功。张之洞 I do not know the essentials of reading, toil with no gain。
4〖Seven〗、莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。岳飞 Mo, a juvenile white head, empty sadness。
4〖Eight〗、书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过去和未来文化生活的源泉。库法耶夫 The book is not only a source of life, and now, the past and the future of cultural life。
4〖Nine〗、读书不知味,不如束高阁;蠢鱼尔何如,终日食糟粕。(清)袁牧 Reading does not taste, as it's a silly fish beam; for example, all the food dregs。
50、读万卷书,行万里路。顾炎武 Read ten thousand books, traveling thousands of miles。
5〖One〗、读书勿求多,岁月既积,卷帙自富。冯班 For many years do not read, both product volumes, since the rich。
5〖Two〗、青年是学习智慧的时期,中年是付诸实践的时期。卢梭 Youth is the wisdom of the learning period, middle period is put into practice。
5〖Three〗、读书,人才更加像人。严文井 Reading, talent is more like a man。
5〖Four〗、劳于读书,逸于作文。程端礼 Work in reading, ease in writing。
5〖Five〗、没有书籍的屋子,就像没有灵魂的躯体。西塞罗 A room without books is like a body without a soul。
5〖Six〗、书籍能引导我们进入高尚的社会,并结识各个时代的最伟大人物。斯迈尔斯 Books can lead us into a noble society, and make the greatest figure of all time。
5〖Seven〗、读而未晓则思,思而未晓则读。朱熹 Reading without dawn is thinking, thinking without dawn is read。
5〖Eight〗、读者的好恶能决定书的命运。莫鲁斯 The reader likes and dislikes can decide the fate of the book。
5〖Nine〗、治学有三大原则:广见闻,多阅读,勤实验。--戴布劳格利 There are three foundations of learning: knowledge, read more, ground experiment。
60、聪明在于学习,天才在于积累。所谓天才,实际上是依靠学习。华罗庚 Wisdom is learning, genius lies in the accumulation of。 The so-called genius, in fact rely on learning。
6〖One〗、要知天下事,须读古人书。冯梦龙 To know the world, to read the ancient books。
6〖Two〗、好书有不朽的能力,它是人类活动最丰硕长久的果实。史美尔斯 A good book is enduring ability, it is the most plentiful and substantial fruits of human activities for a long time。
6〖Three〗、天才就是无止境刻苦勤奋的能力。卡莱尔 Genius is an infinite diligent ability。
6〖Four〗、读书不独变人气质,且能养人精神,盖理义收摄故也。曾国藩 Reading not only human temperament, and can raise the human spirit, take the science meaning。
6〖Five〗、读书使人充实,思考使人深邃,交谈使人清醒。富兰克林 Reading makes a full man, make deep thinking, to make a person sober。
6〖Six〗、圣人无常师。韩愈 Sage has more than one teacher。
6〖Seven〗、喜爱读书,就等于把生活中寂寞无聊的时光换成巨大享受的时刻。孟德斯鸠 Love reading, is equivalent to lonely boring life into a great time to enjoy the moment。
6〖Eight〗、知古不知今,谓之落沉。知今不知古,谓之盲瞽。王充 I know this ancient, call drop。 I know this ancient, called blind。
6〖Nine〗、不下决心培养思考的人,便失去了生活中的最大乐趣。爱迪生 Not determined to cultivate thinking people, has lost one of the greatest pleasures in life。
70、学习并不等于就是摹仿某些东西,而是掌握技巧和方法。高尔基 Learning is not imitation of something, but to master the techniques and methods。
7〖One〗、与有肝胆人共事,从无字句处读书。周恩来 With hepatobiliary work, reading from the book without words。
7〖Two〗、人的影响短暂而微弱,书的影响则广泛而深远。普希金 The effect of short and thin, the book is extensive and far-reaching influence。
7〖Three〗、读书必专精不二,方见义理。薛煊 Reading will only see the science specialization, party。
7〖Four〗、自得读书乐,不邀为善名。王永彬 Great joy of reading, not to invite good name。
7〖Five〗、鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进先读书。李苦禅 The bird to fly first wings, who seek to improve themselves to reading。
7〖Six〗、格天功业有本源,谁谓读书记名姓?归庄 Ge Tian deeds is the origin, who says that the secretary read the name?
ething you don't ermination to succeed is more important than anything else.
If you have no choice, go ahead bravely.
It is impossible to deceive all the people at all times.
As long as you fully believe in yourself, no difficulty can last long enough.
Law is the exposed morality, while morality is the hidden law.
The spirit of conscientiousness is more important than personal prestige.
Don't sink, you can choose to rise in any environment.
The horror in reality is far less terrible than the horror in imagination.
patriotism, like other moral feelings and beliefs, tends to elevate people.
and do not restrict it at all. There are many harms and dangers.
patriotism is the deepest feeling for one's motherland e a patriot.
It is inconceivable that a nation without strong spiritual pillars can stand on its own in the forest of the world.
Chinese literati have always been full of integrity. If a painter does not love his nation or his motherland, he will lose his national integrity. The value of painting lies in personality.
Who does not belong to his motherland, then he does not belong to mankind.
patriotism is to kill and be killed actively for trivial reasons.
Science has no borders, but scholars have their own countries.
Vanity watches his name, glory watches the cause of his motherland.
Whatever I do, I always think that as long as my energy permits me, I will first serve my motherland.
I have my personality and conscience, not money can buy. My music should be dedicated to the motherland, to the working people and to the rescue of the national crisis.