1.
"Think
twice
before
you
post.
"
【警醒】
2.
"Don't
be
reckless
with
your
words.
"
【谨言慎行】
3.
"Be
careful
not
to
offend
anyone.
"
【避免冒犯】
4.
"Remember,
once
it's
online,
it's
forever.
"
【铭记】
5.
"Avoid
controversial
topics.
"
【回避敏感话题】
6.
"Ask
yourself,
would
you
want
your
grandma
to
see
this?"
【审慎】
7.
"An
innocent
post
can
still
come
across
as
insensitive.
"
【注意细节】
8.
"Don't
post
anything
you
wouldn't
say
in
person.
"
【保持一致】
9.
"Be
mindful
of
your
audience.
"
【为读者考虑】
10.
"It's
better
to
be
safe
than
sorry.
"
【小心谨慎】
11.
"A
moment
of
thoughtlessness
can
have
long-term
consequences.
"
【谨慎】
12.
"Don't
overshare
personal
information.
"
【保护隐私】
13.
"Consider
the
potential
impact
on
your
reputation.
"
【考虑影响】
14.
"Don't
post
when
you're
angry
or
upset.
"
【避免情绪冲动】
15.
"Respect
the
opinions
of
others.
"
【尊重他人】
16.
"Don't
believe
everything
you
read
online.
"
【保持理性】
17.
"Be
honest,
but
don't
be
too
blunt.
"
【谨言慎行】
18.
"Think
about
the
consequences
before
you
hit
'send'.
"
【审慎】
19.
"Don't
use
social
media
to
spread
rumors.
"
【避免谣言】
20.
"Remember,
you
represent
yourself
and
your
brand
online.
"
【保持形象】